Career Exploration

In grades seven and eight, students begin the important process of planning their post-high school transition into higher education, occupations and careers.

In seventh grade, students are introduced to the concept of planning for a career versus simply having a job.  In classroom lessons, the school counselor helps students access the online program,, where they begin to build a “career portfolio”. 

In eighth grade, that portfolio is expanded into the initiative called “My 10 Year Plan”. This initiative shapes high school course selection and culminates at graduation with a plan for career transition.

Career exploration at the middle school level makes use of imagination, interest inventories, online resources, auditorium and classroom presentations, field trips to the Career Technology Centers and the opportunity for a “Shadow Day” in a career field of their choice.

The final piece in career education at the middle school level occurs in the spring of the eighth grade year with a program called “Road to Success” where students are invited to hear presenters from Lancaster County colleges and military representatives.

Contact Info

Ephrata Middle School
957 Hammon Avenue,
Ephrata, PA 17522
Phone: (717) 721-1468
Fax: (717) 721-1469

School Hours

Doors open: 7:50 AM
School in Session: 8:05 AM - 2:55 PM

Click here for 2-Hr Delay Hours.